"It looks to this reader as though the author calculated to use the little anthology as propaganda, the insertions of which were neither offensive nor objectionable in tone. To this I have no beef. Yes, the collection was, in my opinion, quite good.
"But the olobbering might well have been supplanted by the kind of story the writer claims is not now appearing in your little format. Don't you think so?"
V. B. California
that you
"I am truly surprised and a bit disappointed allowed Joannette Foster's 'Ann of 10,000 Words Plus' to be printed within the pages of THE LADDER. I read Miss Aldrich's criticism of THE LADDER, and I found it extromoly amusing and entertaining and a little ridiouI expected to find in THE LADDER's response to Miss Aldrich's 'expose' a logical, factual rebuttal of her statements, and Del Martin did this very satisfactorily.
"However, the status of THE LADDER as a respectable magazino dropped several points with the publishing of Miss Fostor's disgusting bit of name-calling, mud-slinging propaganda. What do you think you will achieve by carrying on a 'You're-More-Ridiculous-Than-I-Am' oanpaign? Are you trying to win a battle of sarcasm with Ann Aldrich, or are you trying to gain respectability and acceptance for your magazino and ultimately for tho Lesbian?"
M. S., California
"I've bo on wondering why my friendly little subscription note was never acknowledged. Your August issue arrived today and answered the question. Ladies all, I beg your pardon: I am not now, never have been, and have no intention of becoming, Ann Aldrich-Vin Packer. I am just plain Ann Bannon no relation, no connection; Just tho Game publisher.
Honest to God, Dr. Foster. I have two